Need Some Free Help?
We want to help you save money! The following tips are to help you troubleshoot your problem before having to call a technician.
Electrical Problem:
- Check all GFI’s (these should be located near any water sources)
- Check with neighbors & see if they are experiencing any power outages
- Check with utility company to see if there is a problem in your area
- Call Franklin Electric
Furnace Problem:
- Check to make sure there is power to the unit
- Check setting on thermostat
- Make sure your filter is clean
- Call Franklin Electric
Air Conditioning Problem:
- Check to make sure there is power to the unit
- Check setting on thermostat
- Make sure your filter is clean
- Call Franklin Electric
General Tips:
- Did you know that if you do not change your furnace filter often your furnace will stop working? This also applies to your air conditioner, since it uses the furnace to push the air into your house. Filters should be changed every 30-45 days.
- Make sure you always have an extra filter on hand. You can either buy disposable filters or washable filters.
- Do a little research! You can save a lot of money by getting more than one quote. Some contractors have hidden charges.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
- Make sure the company you call is licensed and insured.